It is the aim of the Education Service to provide a Nursery placement for all children in their pre-school year. There will also be provision for three year olds. The process of making an application for a place in the Nursery is as follows:
- Interested parents/ carers may obtain an application form from the school office. This may be done once your child is two years of age.
- Parents/ carers complete the form and return it to the school.
- Parents whose application has been successful are notified and are required to make formal acceptance if they wish to take up the offer of a place.
All Nursery places are allocated in line with the Council's Admission Policy. A leaflet detailing this policy is available from the Nursery Class or school office.
An Admissions panel meets at regular intervals throughout the year to decide on the allocation of Nursery places.
Any parent/ carer wishing to see the Nursery Class with a view to making an application should contact the school to arrange a visit.