For security reasons the front door is locked from 9.00am - 11.20am and 12.30pm to 3.00pm.
Please arrive for the morning session at 8.30am and at 12.15pm for the afternoon session. If, on occasion, you are later, please ring the door entry system. you may have to wait for a few minutes until a member of staff is available to answer the door.
Children should be collected by 11.30am from the morning session and 3.15pm from the afternoon session.
For Health and Safety reasons any dogs must be restrained outside the school gate and smoking is not permitted in or around the building.
When bringing your child to the Nursery Class please help him/ her hang up his/ her jacket and change his/ her shoes and then pass him/ her over to a member of staff. Please sign the attendance sheet in the cloakroom area when delivering and collecting your child. When collecting your child please wait at the playroom door until a member of staff brings your child to you. Children will not be handed over to any adult unknown to us. Parenst/ carers must inform the Nursery Teacher or Depute Head Teacher in advance of any change in the collection of children.
If your child becomes ill
If your child is unwell during the night or early morning before Nursery, please keep him/ her at home until the symptoms have cleared completely. Where a child has sickness and diarrhoea they must not attend/ return to Nursery for at least 48 hours. If your child has an infectious disease you must notify the Nursery Class as soon as possible.
If your child is unwell or unable to attend school please contact the school office by telephone on the morning of their absence. If the school has not been notified or contacted regarding a child's absence they will telephone you to confirm the reason for their absence.
Parents/ carers should inform the school if their child is likely to be absent for some time.
If your child becomes ill while at Nursery we will contact you immediately. If we cannot contact you we will contact the emergency contact number given to us at enrolment. Please ensure these numbers are kept up to date. If this proves difficult or speed is essential the Head Teacher or Depute Head Teacher will be responsible for the arrangement of the child going to Yorkhill Hospital for the appropriate treatment. A member of school staff will remain at the hospital until the parent/ carer arrives.