Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to St Paul’ s Primary School (Shettleston) & Nursery Class. At St. Paul’ s, we pride ourselves in ensuring we take a holistic approach to education, which focuses on developing the whole child with Christ at the centre of all that we do. We are committed to the partnership of home, school and Parish and through all parties working together our children will be sure of success and happiness at school.
Everyone at St. Paul’ s strives to ensure that children are encouraged, motivated and guided to ensure that they develop their natural gifts and talents whilst becoming confident, independent learners who know how to make informed decisions about the choices they make in life.
I am proud to be the Head Teacher of a thriving learning community with committed and hard-working children, staff and parents/carers. I look forward to working in partnership with you to ensure that your child receives the best education that meets their individual needs.
This handbook contains a range of information that you will find helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact the school directly if you require more information.
Yours sincerely, Lynsey McLeod