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St Paul’s Primary School & Nursery Class Newsletter

April 2016

Dear Parent / Carer,


I am delighted to inform you that we have appointed Ms Docherty as our new Principal Teacher; she will be the new P4 teacher. I would like to also welcome Ms Masterson who will be with us until the end of June as the P2 teacher.


We have had some issues with staffing, Mrs Vornic and Ms Phee have been class committed since November.  This has had a direct impact on the wider running of the school.  We are still currently 2.4 full time members of staff short, as yet Glasgow City Council have been unable to source supply teachers for these posts.  When Mrs Vornic begins her maternity leave on 22 April, we will be 3.4 teachers short of our staffing compliment; this will mean I will have a full time class commitment.


Donna Miller Ball

Eight children from our Glee Club have been selected to sing with a professional singer at the ball on Saturday 23 April.  Well done this is a great honour!


Parent Helpers

A very special thanks to all the parents who helped with our recent trips and competitions, without your support it would be impossible for the children to be given the opportunity to experience a rich and broad education.


Parent Council

The Summer Fayre is on Saturday 4 June 2016.  Please keep this date free in your diary and come along to support us.  We are holding a meeting on Monday 25 April 7.00-8.30pm in school, please come along to discuss how you can help to make this event a success.


Confident and Successful Children

Our gymnasts led by Mrs Cappello gave an outstanding performance at the Gymfest last month; the team were commended on their flexibility and strength.  Well done!!


Our Basketball Team played well in the local festival at St Andrew’s and were commended on their sportsmanship.


Our Enterprise Group led by Ms Neeson presented their project at the City Chambers; they will produce a profit/loss sheet this term to demonstrate their success.


Our Running Club participated in a 3K run in Nether Pollock Country Park.  The children cut a dash in their new running strips purchased by the Parent Council.  The children had a fantastic morning.   


The A Team are top of their league and has a few crucial matches to play over the next few weeks.  The A Team are still in the following cups – Glasgow Primary Cup & Bi Millennium Cup.


Despite being in a non-competitive league, the B Team are working well together and developing their football skills.  They have won many of their matches.




A big thank you to our coaches and staff who work tirelessly giving freely of their time to help develop the children’s skills!!


Additional Coaching/Teaching Sessions


Primary 4s will begin the Sense over Sectarianism programme run by coaches from both Celtic Football Club and Rangers Football Club. At the end of the programme, the children will visit one of the stadiums.


The Primary 6 Basketball Lunchtime Club will continue to run this term.


The Glee Club will continue to run this term and the Glee Club will perform at the Summer Fayre.


Primary 5s will access swimming lessons at Tollcross Leisure Centre every Thursday afternoon for the next 8 weeks.


Primary 5 will also have Football Coaching sessions for 6 weeks.


Primary 6 will participate in the Celtic Play and Learn sessions this term.


Primary 7 will have Dancing sessions for 6 weeks and will also participate in Rugby sessions.


I am currently trying to access funding to obtain coaches for P1-3.


Film Club

Some of our P5s have been participating in an after school Film Club working with Impact Arts and Io Films Ltd, the children have been working on scripts and we hope to have a screening of the short film at the end of May.


The Greater Easterhouse Alcohol Awareness Project GEAAP

These interactive sessions will run over the next 4 weeks for both P6 and P7, informing children about alcohol related issues.  The children will also explore some decision making and assertiveness training around this issue.  The children will be given complimentary books to take home so that parents can engage in discussion about these sessions.


Reflective Reading Development

This year to increase attainment and achievement in Literacy the whole school have participated in further training and research to improve the way in which St Paul’s teach literacy.  The current results are showing improvement and we would like to share this with parents before we make this pilot project school policy.  To this end we would like to invite you to Learning Session on Thursday 19 May at 9.15am, this will involve some background on the research and new strategies along with some class visits to view this in operation. 


Literacies Past and Present

P4 will be working with Glasgow University, St Andrew’s Secondary and local community groups on a Literacy Project this term.  This is to further develop Literacy skills in our children and to develop an awareness of the history of our local area.  We will have an open afternoon which all parents will be invited to.


Playground Update

Community Safety will be in over the next few weeks to clear the Eco Garden and P3s along with the Eco Group will begin transforming this area.


The Bike Sheds were supposed to be built during the Easter holidays but a delay with the builder has put this building date further back.  I am still waiting an update from Glasgow City Council.


Working in partnership with St Joseph’s Parish

This term we will continue to build relationships with St Joseph’s through year groups attending Mass.  This term P5 and P7 will attend Sunday mass; we will send reminder letters out nearer the time.



Our 30 day Kid Power Challenge for UNICEF was a huge success. Primary 6 worked incredibly hard to earn as many points as possible by keeping active and walking up to 10,000 steps each day. By doing this, they have altogether earned nutritional meals for 256 children in Malawi by walking or running over 6.5 million steps. What a tremendous achievement. Well done to all who took part. As a result of taking part in the project St. Paul’s have been given 2 electronic tablets and all of the fitness tracker bands to use again in the future..


UNICEF – Rights Respecting School Award


Fiona please can you provide an update?


Important Dates:

Thursday 28 April – Police Safety Talks for P1-7
Friday 6 May – RSPCA Talks for P1-7
Monday 9 May – 10.30am P7 Mass at the Cathedral with Archbishop Tartaglia

Thursday 19 May – 9.15am Reflective Reading Workshop for Parents

Monday 23 May - Wednesday 25 May – P7 3 Day Visit to St Andrew’s Secondary School

Thursday 26 May – FARE Legacy Games for P7

Thursday 26 May – Nursery Fundraising Coffee Morning & Tombola

Wednesday 1 June – Nursery Sponsored Walk

Saturday 4 June  – Summer Fayre & Football Tournament

Monday 6 June – Friday 10 June – Health Week

Monday 6 June – Sports Day

Wednesday 8 June – Nursery Trip

Thursday 9 June – Litarcies Past & Present Display of Knowledge

Tuesday 14 June – Nursery Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Wednesday 15 June – Nursery Graduation

Friday 17 June – P7 Graduation, Mass & Prom

Holidays & Inset Days:

Monday 2 May – May Holiday

Thursday 5 May – Inset Day

Friday 27 May – Monday 30 May – May Holiday Weekend

Thursday 23 June – European Election Day (school and nursery closed for children)

Friday 24 June – School closes at 1pm for Summer holidays


Parents are important partners in their child’s education and further advice on how you can support your child’s learning can be found at:


Please follow us on Twitter @stpaulsshet.



Yours sincerely,  






Geraldine A Millar

Head Teacher
